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Balaji Suresh posted a condolence
Thursday, March 14, 2024
I am very sorry to hear about your father's passing. I send positive thoughts and pray for strength and comfort during this difficult time for you and your family. Heartfelt condolences.
Frances OSullivan posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Thank you Ross for being a wonderful husband to my sister and an amazing father to my nieces and nephew. We will miss you always.
Ken and Maryfran Fettinger posted a condolence
Monday, March 11, 2024
Our most sincere condolences to Therese, my Nursing School "Comrade", and all of The Dayton Family. Ross' unique personality always made him a pleasure to be with. He will be missed.
Rest In Peace, Ross.
Ken and Maryfran Fettinger
S Carboni posted a condolence
Monday, March 11, 2024
Our street won’t be the same without seeing you sitting outside in your chair and keeping an eye on what’s going on, waving to the neighbors, or stopping to talk as we walked by. We will miss you stopping by for a quick visit in our backyard, entering through “Ross’s Gate”, as Jim calls it. We will never forget you Mr. Dayton.
The Carboni Family
John Bermingham posted a condolence
Monday, March 11, 2024
It is with great sadness we learn about the passing of Ross and remember him so fondly from his trip to Ireland with Therese some years ago. He arrived with special jackets embossed with our respective names Bermingham and Dayton and presented me with the one marked Dayton. ' I want you to wear this jacket every time it rains and I will wear mine when it snows, in that way we won't forget each other'
I never did forget Ross and as it rains here so much the Dayton jacket proved it's worth many times. One day I told Ross that I needed help to move some cattle and as they galloped towards him he thought he was the leading actor in a a wild west movie.
I remember Ross as a kind warm-hearted man with a great sense of humour and as a person whose presence touched us deeply over a few memorable days spent visiting the birthplace of Theresa's Irish ancestors.
Ross , we will always cherish you and mourn your passing. Sincere sympathy to Therese and all the family from your Irish cousins.
John Monika Sean and all the Bermingham family
The family of Ross J. Dayton Sr. uploaded a photo
Monday, March 11, 2024

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