Wednesday, January 10, 2024
The 1st time I met Helen was in 2011.
It was through my spouse and his friend, Scott; Helen's paramour.
I was undergoing medical treatment at the time, and both Helen and Scott had stopped by to say hello.
Even though I wasn't feeling well and truly not up for company; there was no way I could not thank someone I'd never met at the time, for coming over to wish me well and let me know they were praying for my recovery.
That's when I knew Helen was a special and sincere person.
Even though our face to face interactions have been limited over the years due to physical hardships, there's never been a shortage of phone calls from BOTH Scott and Helen saying "Hello", and letting me know, "They're praying for me, ALWAYS."
Helen, I'm sure that Our Heavenly Father and his son our lord Jesus have welcomed you into the kingdom of Heaven.
May your Guardian Angel walk with you always.
May your departed loved ones reunite with you.
May you continue to love, watch over, and care for Scott. Plus, your family and friends who still need you on earth: now and always.
"Helen, may your soul, along with the other faithfully departed souls rest in peace. Amen."
Sincerely with love,
Josie M-K